Cottage Gardens

Recreating the look and feel of gardens typified in early European and American residences that centered on the aesthetics and functional Needs (culinary-herbs/vegetables).) These were generally small areas A few steps from the living room/ kitchen door.

The idea is to recreate the look and feel of those smaller, more intimate areas where one might retreat from the noise and concerns of today’s day to day demands and offer a respite, even if for only a few minutes. The emphasis is on features such as an entry arbor, a simple seating area, a path with minimal presence (stepping stone) and perhaps a low impact water feature or even whimsical garden statues.

The emphasis on plantings is on easy, prolific blooms, fragrance, and butterfly/ bird attracting qualities. An unstructured mix of flowering shrubs, hardy perennials, self-seeding annuals (Zinnias, Cosmos) and ornamental grasses complete this theme. Also, carving out areas for growing herbs and vegetables is an important component as well.